Align your priorities to achieve your vision

You have a vision for your business but you never seem to be on the right path to get there.

Do you feel like sometimes those milestones you do hit are by accident? Every day there is a new important task or problem that arises and only you can handle it, that must be done right away and derails your whole day.

Everything and everyone else that pops up in your face/email/phone/message etc is more important than you, your business, your family, your life. But when you surrender to everyone else you’re showing what you prioritize. Not you.

But…you want to say, but my clients come first, but I have to care for my children, but I have commitments. BUT why aren't you (or your business/health/family etc) a priority? I know these things are on the top of your to do list but they seem to get pushed down to the bottom much more. Or your working non stop day and night to keep it all floating when all you feel is sinking.

So what do you do? You want to actually do what is YOUR PRIORITY not everyone else's.

Here’s my challenge to you, starting tomorrow, work on your main priority for 1 hour. I would suggest making it the first hour of work tomorrow. Before you do anything else, work on your business or your top priority. Not your clients, not whatever popped up. This is for your business’s highest need to get done, the TOP priority.

If you can’t do it first thing then schedule it somewhere in the day but this is 1 hour of your time that is ONLY for YOU. Turn your phone on do not disturb, turn off notifications, put an away message on your email, whatever it takes.

Then do it again the next day and the next day. Carve out time to work on you, your business, your priorities.

If you have a habit of putting yourself last then it will be harder to accomplish your goals. I know that you have worked to get where you are but it doesn't stop. If you want to keep making goals and eventually reaching them then it takes more work. And you wouldn't be here reading this if you didn't think that was true.

Know this, you will get blunt honesty and tough love from me. I don't sugarcoat things that you already know are true. However, I do understand that sometimes we are our own worst enemy when it comes to taking action and getting to the next level or goal.

If you know what you want to do and have all the ideas and plans in your head but not mapped out to take action then this is your shot to get it under control with help, of course.

Doing an Amplify & Refine Session with me can get you unstuck with the next steps you need to move forward. This is the first step to reaching those goals. Schedule a consultation to learn more and see if this would benefit you.

Want to know more first? 7 Pillars to Focus on for Business Growth


Tiffany Doner

Web Design & Development with added strategy to build a business that converts website visitors to customers.

Maximizing Productivity and Enhancing Business Strategy


7 Pillars to Focus on for Business Growth