What the Tech?

Reclaim Your Time and Grow Your Business with a Tech Stack Audit

As a business owner, you’re juggling a million things at once. From managing your finances to overseeing daily operations, it can feel like you're constantly putting out fires instead of focusing on the big picture. We get it - your time and bandwidth are limited, but your ambition to grow your business is limitless.

You've tried googling solutions, tinkering with different tools, and even investing in new software, but the complexity of your ecosystem is only adding to your frustration.

Are you ready to stop wasting time and money on ineffective solutions?

I’m going to help you take a couple of easy steps to see how you can save time and potentially money by looking at the tools you use, pay for, or forgot about.

You’ve gotta know what’s there to get started.

What is a

Tech Stack?

A collection of tools you use to run your business.

Typically they stack as one is needed to use the other. For example. you might need a website to build an email list, and an email marketing platform to send emails to customers who purchase your products on your website that uses a payment processor to accept payments that transfer to your bank.


Start with a List

When was the last time you knew what you had all together in one place? Get your Tech Stack Checklist.


Schedule a Tech Stack Evaluation call, we review the best case for your unique needs and how useful your current tools are to reach your goals.



Ready to amplify your tech stack with a full audit? This is where we dig into each tool and how they all work together for the business needs.


Unlock the Power of an Optimized Ecosystem

We'll dive deep into your current setup, identify areas of improvement, and provide a customized plan to streamline your operations.

Imagine if you could:

  • Eliminate redundant tools and consolidate your tech stack

  • Automate repetitive tasks and free up your time

  • Enhance collaboration and communication within your team

  • Reduce costs and increase your overall efficiency

What's Included:

  • In-depth analysis of your current tech stack

  • Personalized recommendations to optimize your ecosystem

Schedule your Tech Stack Eval

Get your tech stacked

Download the Tech Stack checklist and fill it out before your evaluation.


  • An evaluation provides a snapshot of your ecosystem that tells us how many tools you have, your level of use, and if each is required or not needed.

    The audit dives deep into each tool and how they work. Are you utilizing the features for your business or is there a way to use them more or get rid of them?

  • Evaluation helps get us both get started with information about all of your tools.

    • It shows how many tools you have or are currently paying for.

    • Determing what type of audit is needed.

    • Gives us an introduction to work together to make sure we are a good fit.

    Your evaluation price will be applied to your audit.

  • Not for the evaluation. However to do the full Tech Stack Audit, I will need access to each tool in order to see how you are using each.

  • For each tool, we are looking to see if you are using them to the full extent of their benefits for your unique needs.

    • What are you not using that you can implement?

    • Are there tools that overlap? Can you remove one?

    • Are you not using tools at all?

  • During the evaluation phase:

    • Filling out the Tech Stack Checklist.

    • 45-60 minutes on the evaluation call.

    During the audit phase, you or a staff member:

    • Provide logins or create users in each tool.

    • Reply to messages with questions.

    • 60-90 minute call at the end of the audit to review the results and roadmap.

  • After your audit is complete and we may be able to offer additional services to help you reach these new tech goals, such as:

    • Implementation support to ensure a seamless transition.

    • Ongoing guidance to maintain a future-proof tech infrastructure.

    Please inquire about additional support during the audit phase.

Hi, I’m Tiffany Doner and I've helped countless business owners, like you, reclaim their time and streamline their operations. With over a decade of experience in strategy and implementation, we know what it takes to build a future-proof tech stack that supports your growth.

This is for you if:

  • You're tired of juggling too many tasks and want to work ON your business instead of IN it

  • You're ready to invest in optimizing your tech ecosystem to save time and money

  • You want to empower your team with the right tools and processes

This isn't for you if:

  • You're content with your current setup and don't see the need for improvement

  • You're not willing to commit the effort required to implement changes

  • You don’t want to work more efficiently